Halloween Delight Bouquet
Bubbling up from a cauldron-like bowl, our Halloween-hued blooms are a true delight. Warm orange roses mix with rich purple carnations for a contrast of color. Lush greenery all around adds texture to this spirited bouquet, capturing everything there is to love about this time of year.
• All-around arrangement with orange roses and mini carnations, purple carnations and monte casino, white statice; accented with seeded eucalyptus and assorted greenery
• Artistically designed in clear glass bubble-shaped bowl; measures 5""H x 6""W
• Large arrangement measures approximately 10""H x 8""W
• Medium arrangement measures approximately 9""H x 6.5""W
• Small arrangement measures approximately 8""H x 6""W
• Our florists hand-design each arrangement, so colors, varieties and container may vary due to local availability"
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* Fee charged in addition to the Standard Delivery Fee
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